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Online Video Coaching for Baseball Players helping you to:

Unlock YOUR Elite Swing

Join 100s of players from around the country who have used the principles within our remote training program to play at the highest levels of the game. 

Get a FREE Hitting Program

Get the Top 10 Hitting Drills Course

Use these Top 10 Drills to create power, adjustability, and consistency in your swing. Instructional videos included. (Just $4.99).

Get the Top 10 Hitting Drills

Get the +PWR Lifting Program

Take your strength to a new level. Use our lifting program to create explosiveness and power that translates directly to the field. Instructional videos included. (Just $16.99).

Get the Lifting Program

Get the D1 Metrics Training Course

Use the proven training techniques and philosophies that will get your hitting, strength, and speed metrics to meet the Division 1 standard. Instructional videos included. (Just $49.99). 

Get the D1 Metrics Training Course

Creating a High Level Swing Can be Difficult

If you try to do it on your own...

You struggle to find the right coach

You waste time doing drills that don't help

You guess rather than follow a proven plan

All of that leads to a lack of confidence because you don't feel truly prepared when you step on the field. 

We don't want that for you.

At +PWR Training we've been in your shoes and know exactly what it takes to dominate at the next level. 

And we're going to help you do that too. 

View the Plan

What You Could Experience with +PWR Training

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Alex used our Hitting Program to...

Increase his exit velocity by 8mph, increase his throwing velocity by 7mph, and decrease his 60 time by .3 seconds... in just 8 weeks!

View the Plan

Introducing our Remote Hitting Program

Use the system that we've created for you to unlock YOUR elite swing.

The magic is in the plan, the feedback, and the accountability. 

View the Plan

Get a FREE Swing Evaluation

Get feedback on your swing with actionable steps to make game-changing adjustments TODAY. 

Take the Back Leg Coil Challenge

Get this free program to learn about the three phases of the Back Leg Coil and how to work on them.

Check Out Our YouTube Page!

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Get a FREE Hitting Program