The 4 Key Phases to Unlock YOUR Elite Swing
Jan 31, 2025
Let's go over the 4 key phases that you need to master to unlock YOUR elite swing.
At +PWR Training, we strive to unlock every hitter's elite swing. It's in there somewhere, and we know how to get it out of our hitters.
Here are the 4 phases: Back Leg Move, Upper Half Load/Sync, Barrel Slotting/Separation, Connection + Turn.
The back leg move is where the swing starts and ends, so that's why we cover it first and the most. Inside the back leg move there are three phases: Hip Hinge, Hip Coil, Hold the Ground.
Establishing a strong back leg move makes the next 3 phases of the swing come together.
The upper half sync/load is simultaneous with the back leg move. This is where you'll see a lot of hitters load the barrel, barrel tip, scap load, etc...
Barrel slotting/separation is where you'll start to make your forward move. This is another key area that blends right into the next phase. Controlling this part of your swing is critical so consistency, adjustability, and power.
Finally, the connection + turn phase. So many hitters struggle with this phase of the swing. Losing connection and a lack of rotational ability kills your ability to unlock YOUR elite swing.
When you can master these 4 phases and turn them into 1, you'll unlock YOUR elite swing.
There are differences that every hitter has within each phase. That's why we have personalized coaching and feedback within our remote hitting programs. There's no cookie-cutter approach and we pride ourselves on being able to identify each hitters strengths and deficiencies so that we can make the best adjustments for THEM to succeed.
If you want to learn more about how we can help you unlock YOUR elite swing, click here.
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