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How to *Actually* Get Better At Hitting

Jan 23, 2025

Everyone wants to be a good hitter. Everyone wants to hit third in the lineup, strikeout less, and hit more homeruns.

Except so many hitters don't know how to *actually* improve so that their training can shine on the field.

Going to the cage and hitting till your hands bleed is great... Until you walk into the box and then walk back to the dugout three pitches later.

Here's one of the ways that we approach hitting development with our hitters to not only build a swing that has power, adjustability, and consistency, but to build a HITTER that gets the opportunity to play past high school, into college, and beyond: GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD. But what does that even mean?

You've probably been told this countless times by a coach or if your a parent you've told your own son or daughter this same thing after a game. I don't mean it from that sense. 

I mean that when you are working on your swing in the cage - you need to do things that literally get you out of your head. We call these "external cues". These are drills that give you some sort of external goal to accomplish in your training. It can be a particular drill or a goal for how you want to feel by the end of the trianing session.

External cues look and sound like this: "keep the connection ball on your chest", "hit the tee behind you with your butt", "swing this heavy bat as hard as you can". 

These are things that you won't be able to accomplish with your mind. You have to allow your body to self organize itself to accomplish these goals. 

Why does this work? Our brains are much better at committing our body to something than our minds in a physical pursuit. How is your mind supposed to hit a 90mph slider after you just saw a 99mph fastball? It can't - your body can though.

If you're in the box trying to think your way to success, you've already failed, and when you try to think your way to success in your training, that's all you're going to know how to do in the game. 

It's the same reason you play freer in your backyard with a wiffleball bat than you do at a big tryout or showcase. There's nothing else to think about except the task at hand, and your body is going to self-organize it's way to doing that.

We need to make our training simulate the way we want to play - not just physically, but mentally as well. Allow your body to accomplish the goal in training and you won't have to try to play any different come game-time.

This is why we've seen so much success in our remote program - we don't "information overload" our athletes with different things to think about. We provide them with a plan full of external goals to accomplish and let their natural athleticism take over. 

If "getting external" sounds like something that could help you in your development, we invite you to check out our remote development program. A full system that we have in place to do exactly that.


If you're not quite ready for that, there's 2 other ways we can help:

1. Courses: I'd start with the Top 10 Hitting Drills (just $4.99).

2. Free Resources: Take a look at some of our free ways that you can start improving today.

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